Media & Entertainment

We help companies migrate into the digital world
We bring to Media and Entertainment companies ideas and insights to help them think about ways to securely and efficiently create, distribute and monetize content, run profitable operations and drive high performance

We bring to entertainment companies ideas and insights to help them think about ways to securely and efficiently create, distribute and monetize content, run profitable operations and drive high performance.

Our research and insight around topics such as digital transformation help broadcasters envision how new models, sourcing strategies and technology-based assets can help transform their production and broadcast operations to suit digital file-based content, lower costs and improve effectiveness.

We help publishing companies adopt digital business models to better manage workflows, infrastructures and sourcing strategies to improve performance, capitalize on high-growth potential and improve the bottom line.

We help portal companies migrate into the digital world, using new business models, workflows and infrastructures, and sourcing strategies to improve the bottom line, enhance focus on core capabilities and improve effectiveness.